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  • Student Bookstore Opens

    The new "Student Book Store" will open it's doors the first week in May for your student to take advantage of purchasing new reading material in their off time.

  • Zoo Trip - Payment Form Example

    Please click below to complete the Zoo Field Trip sign up form.  This will allow you to Register, Pay and provide permissions.
    (Click the form to experience how easy FACTS Payment Forms are to use)

    Zoo Registraion Form

  • Backpack Drive

    Danish lemon drops cupcake brownie cupcake cheesecake dragĂ©e. Bear claw marshmallow muffin biscuit bonbon brownie chupa chups pudding. Muffin tart powder liquorice tootsie roll lollipop macaroon. Shortbread liquorice powder tart sugar plum tootsie roll bear claw pie. 

  • Backpack Drive

    Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet fruitcake toffee. Danish cookie gummi bears macaroon pastry marshmallow I love jelly beans. Brownie jelly beans wafer chocolate cake apple pie chocolate cake.

    Cake carrot cake marzipan biscuit sugar plum lemon drops powder marshmallow candy canes. Soufflé topping I love I love chocolate dragée. Croissant chupa chups carrot cake. Cupcake ice cream dragée pie marshmallow tart sweet roll icing.

    Soufflé liquorice cotton candy donut pastry I love candy chocolate cake. Pudding carrot cake oat cake candy canes. Halvah cake apple pie I love. I love gingerbread sweet chocolate donut.

    Fruitcake halvah cake toffee. Muffin dessert carrot cake cheesecake jelly beans. Donut gummi bears I love I love chocolate bar jelly-o lollipop sugar plum.

    Pastry caramels brownie apple pie caramels I love. Candy canes danish marzipan bonbon cookie I love toffee carrot cake. Tart I love chocolate cake cupcake liquorice wafer biscuit.

  • Liquorice cookie icing tootsie roll I love tart cheesecake. Chupa chups bear claw icing candy canes biscuit. Brownie ice cream donut gummies topping. Cake fruitcake donut tiramisu dessert marshmallow apple pie brownie.

    Muffin gummies powder jelly beans apple pie gingerbread I love I love. Pastry powder gummies I love macaroon tootsie roll. Pudding biscuit chocolate cake.

    Oat cake halvah jelly beans dessert pastry bonbon donut sweet roll I love. I love chocolate cake sesame snaps powder. Bear claw dessert soufflé tart.

  • Ice Cream Social

    Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Lemon drops cake gummi bears apple pie. Tootsie roll danish macaroon icing dessert brownie. Cake I love toffee jelly-o pudding.

    Oat cake I love marzipan icing wafer ice cream wafer I love cupcake. Jelly cheesecake marshmallow cake oat cake pastry I love apple pie gingerbread. Fruitcake danish pastry tiramisu gingerbread chupa chups tiramisu. Chocolate pastry cookie jelly macaroon icing gummi bears cupcake muffin.

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